What is Coaching?


There are three main ways that I ways that I help my clients:


I help my clients to realize their potential, uncover their gifts and talents and accept their desires and/or dreams as possible. I believe that you already have everything you need inside of you — you know what you want and you know how to achieve it. Often that knowing is either buried or ignored—covered up by our programming, our influences and fear of other people’s opinions or expectations. It’s my job to help you access that inner knowing—your TRUTH—and your gifts so that you can clearly see and overcome what’s preventing you from having what you want. We find empowerment by developing clarity, cultivating awareness and trust in ourselves and taking responsibility all from a place of love.


You already have the answers inside of you, my job as a coach is to help you access it and understand HOW to put the pieces all together—to help you develop the right system and strategy and to hold you accountable along the way to you can get from point A to point B. I also help provide you with the right tools to do to do the work. You need a supportive container with enough space, you need a map, you need nourishment to keep you going, you need emergency tools to help get you back on track when things break down. Some of my tools are helping you change your perspective, strengthen your mindset, create healthy and productive habits and take inspired and courageous action.


Ultimately as a coach, my job is to help you create improvement in yourself and your life. The truth is that YOU don’t need to be fixed or improved and that is NOT my goal as a coach. My goal as a coach is to help you embody your inherent worth and wholeness and to help you heal and find the things that make you FEEL your best so that you can be happy, healthy and whole—in your mind, body and soul, and love yourself and your life more fully because from that place you can will thrive.


As a coach I believe:

These beliefs act as the foundation for my coaching

  1. Nothing changes in the world or anyone else until you change. Transformation starts with you.

  2. Every moment, feeling or experience is perfectly orchestrated for your evolution. Nothing happens to you, everything happens for you. Your challenges are your greatest gift.

  3. There is power in taking responsibility for your own experience.

  4. Your mind, body and soul are deeply connected and effect each other on many levels.

  5. Everyone has their own map of the world.

  6. Every thought or behaviour has a positive intention. Even if that thought or behaviour is harmful, it is simply the best way way we have found SO FAR of dealing with or managing that circumstance. This concept isn’t about condoning behaviour or allowing people to use their “good intentions” as an excuse, it’s about understanding #5, knowing that things are rarely “black or white” and believing that people tend to do the best they can with what they have.

  7. It is practically impossible to be both curious and judgemental, always choose curiosity.

  8. Desire is not selfish, it is a wise compass pointing you in the direction of your life’s purpose.

  9. If you can move through fear to truth, choices and opportunities that were always there finally become visible.

  10. All things are possible with the right attitude or strategy - think of Marie Forleo’s expression: “Everything is figureoutable.”