My Transformative Journey: Finding Alignment and Universal Magic

I can’t believe I almost quit… I booked a meeting to sit down with my boss, and then something unexpected happened…I got “fired”!!

Wait — what?! Yup.

AND it’s the best thing that could have happened to me!! 

I knew for a long time that my corporate job wasn’t fulfilling me anymore and I was actively working on and growing my coaching business on the side but I couldn’t give up the perceived “safety” of corporate. I kept telling myself — I’ll leave when I have X number of clients per month OR when I’m making enough to replace my corporate salary OR I’ll leave when I get a sign from the universe—and I asked for a very specific sign—a red parachute.

The truth is I put all these conditions around it because I was scared— for many reasons: first I would be leaving a stable corporate job that was giving me the illusion of “safety” and a stable income. What I didn’t recognize at the time was that more than that, it was giving me the safety of excuses for why my business was not where I wanted to be. I wasn’t afraid of leaving — I was afraid of leaping towards what I really wanted and not being successful. I was afraid of failing my purpose! Sounds pretty dramatic and heavy huh? And that’s what it felt like…This was the truth of what was really holding me back—keeping me stuck in a company I had long ago outgrown, but I couldn’t see it— not yet. 

I was becoming more and more unhappy in my job, in the past 3 years we had new management that I felt didn’t trust or respect me. I felt like I was constantly being micromanaged and no matter what I did I felt like it was never good enough — no recognition, no positive feedback, just criticism that constantly triggered my “I’m not enough” story — frankly it was terribly demotivating and while I had the tools to work through it was a constant mental battle and it was wearing me down.

I had been talking to my husband for months about how fed up I was getting and that I really wanted to quit but I told myself, I needed a plan, a safety net before I could do that. Then one Sunday night as I was going to bed I realized it was Monday the next day and I was immediately filled with dread—for the first time I noticed the sensations flood through my body and I thought — just the idea of going to work tomorrow has me stressed out and anxious already, this constantly stress is not good for my health. I woke up the next morning and I hadn’t even opened my eyes yet, still half asleep I heard a voice in my head say: “Today is the day” — and I knew instinctively that it was the day I decided enough is enough, this couldn’t go on. I spoke to my higher power and said: I know I haven’t gotten the red parachute sign I asked for but I feel like like you’re trying to guide me so I’m releasing my grip on what I think I need so I can better receive whatever signs are meant for me. I told my husband I was planning to quit that week but I wanted to wait ‘til I was in the office.

“I shuffled and pulled an oracle card — and the card I received was: Peaks of Joy. As I looked at the card my eyes welled up with tears of joy with the confirmation”.

Leading up to the day I felt like I kept getting these little signs of confirmation from the universe— for example, on Monday I was writing a bio for a webinar and I thought — What do I actually feel like I’m writing is my goodbye letter— like an obituary to this part of my career. The next day, more small signs. On Wednesday I was listening to a podcast on my drive with Glennon Doyle and Brene Brown when the question came up—how do you know when it’s time to quit anything? A relationship? A job? Anything. Brene said the question was really — what do you fear? And that’s when I really thought about it and recognized my deeper heavier fears. That afternoon I worked through them, I accepted them and I said to myself — if I really believed that this was my purpose, that my higher power put me on this path then there is NO WAY I can even truly fail at this. I spoke to my higher power at that moment and said: I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. I’m sorry I didn’t trust myself, or you..but I’m ready to fully surrender — whatever happens happens and it may not make logical sense to anyone else but it doesn’t have to. I feel in my bones that it’s right— I KNOW this is what I need to do, so I’m ready. And I trust that whatever happens, you’ve got my back and it’ll all work out. I pulled out my Enchanted Map oracle deck and said: Even though I have no idea what things will look like after this week I know I’ll be supported but can you please give me a sign for what I can expect on the other side of tomorrow. I shuffled and pulled an oracle card — and the card I received was: Peaks of Joy. As I looked at the card my eyes welled up with tears of joy with the confirmation. 

As you can see: It appears to show a woman courageously leaping into the unknown, her red garment billowing behind her, not unlike (in my opinion) a parachute and the following message:

Joy is yours today! No matter what your inquiry is, you will be happy with the results. You’re coming closer to a sense of achievement, and you’ve worked hard for it. You’re surrounded by true companions and events that are synchronistically arranged to bring you to the next level of your life.

The world is singing a beautiful harmony. Life is exhilarating and hopeful. Let gratitude fill your heart and remember to share your happiness. Joy is contagious!

I instantly knew things would work out — maybe somehow even better than expected.

Thursday, I walked into the office with all my words rehearsed, ready—excited even—to finally have the chance to speak my truth and tell them that I just couldn’t do it anymore. I tried to book a meeting with the big boss because I wanted to share my feedback about the manager on my way out, but he was too busy. He had meetings all day and asked if we could push it to Friday—I agreed. Finally, the time for the meeting came — I jumped on the call and patiently waited for his arrival — and then my manager showed up instead …quickly followed by a lady from HR. I knew immediately what was happening.

It was all I could do but keep myself from laughing out loud at the irony of all of it. Less than 24 hours previous I was prepared to walk away with nothing. Days earlier I had literally joked about how “ideal” it would be if they beat me to it and I got to walk away with a nice severance package and a cushion of money to fall back on while I was trying to make a real go at being a full-time coach and entrepreneur. This was literally a dream scenario for me—I realized that I was already free, and not because they let me go…but because I had already done the work to fully accept it, to move through my fears, to let go of my ego, and to take action towards what I wanted.

And in doing so, I was rewarded.

Nicki Brown - a transformational life coach typing on her laptop

And then all of a sudden I started receiving offers for dream unicorn jobs… I was offered a position to work as a Performance Coach for a company—coaching their employees with both personal and professional problems and goals — literally, a dream job where I can work flexible hours from anywhere in the world and coach full time — both for them and in my own business. A job—that I wasn’t even looking for, that checked all my requirements and not only met but exceeded my needs — in less than a month! And now that severance was gravy!  

The point of this story was not to boast or brag but to share what’s possible when you stand in your truth. What’s possible when you’re truly in alignment with your authentic self? When you take action from that place towards the things you desire, the universe regards you. Sometimes the most unexpected things can be the greatest gifts. When you speak your desires into the universe and release expectations of the form they will take— you’ll often find that things work out even better than you expected. 

Find your authenticity and alignment 

Know your worth 

Claim your desires 

Take grounded action

Surrender everything you can’t control 

Trust that the universe has your back 

And watch the magic unfold

May your every dream be realized,


I used to say I felt lost in this world and then I found my PLACE


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